Yae-sakura (Double cherry-blossoms)

Kyoto dairy

Hey Kyoto lovers!

You know we are under the emergency declaration for the coronavirus, we got a cherry blossoms season with no people. It’s sad for us but blossoms still blooming and falling.

There are many kinds of cherry trees here, the earliest cherry blossoms should bloom in the mid of March, and now we have the season for Double cherry-blossoms. We call it as ‘Yae sakura’ in Japanese. Those cherry blossom has many petals for each. Most famous cherry blossom ‘Somei-Yoshino’ has only 5 petals. So this Yae-sakura looks so gorgeous.

I watched some Yae-sakura on the Kamogawa river bank on the way to a supermarket today. It was nice, so nice.

I thought we should overcome the coronavirus soon and many travelers could watch such beautiful cherry blossoms next year. Then see you!