Suzumushi Dera temple

Kyoto dairy

Last weekend I visited Suzumushi Dera temple with my family.

Suzumushi Dera temple is so close to Moss garden (Koke Dera temple), west area of Kyoto city. This temple is famous for many suzumushies are there. What is the suzumushi? Suzumushi is a little insect. It rings with cute sound, it is like a beautiful bell sound.

When we go inside, it is the suzumushi room. In this room a monk tell some holly and unique talks. we can listen it with sound of suzumushi ringing. After talk of the monk, we can go walk the garden. But this garden is not such a special one. Finally we can go to the Jizo bosatsu, ask anything you want to make real (though only one thing you can ask), we believe this Jizo bosatsu can make real what you want to.

The talk of this monk is only Japanese language, so it might be a little boring for non-Japanese language people. But my son 6 years old told me that the talk was so funny. The contents of this talk is quite nice I think.