Snow day in Ohara, Kyoto


From the last night(2023, 24th Jan) it was heavy snow in Kyoto.

Snow makes the scene totally different from normal Kyoto. I know many people would go to Kinkakuji Golden Pavilion in the snow day. I wanted to, but I decided to visit Ohara for the quiet atmosphere. To Ohara, we should take a bus. 2 buses in an hour. It’s enough. Such a few bus schedule makes Ohara quiet.

From the bus stop I had to walk up to the hill. My destination was Housenin temple, it was on the hill. Walked through the steep snow way.

(Snow on the branches were almost like flowers!)

Finally I reached to Housenin temple after long walk through the snowy way. Of course the garden was covered with heavy snow. This garden is known as a ‘framed’ garden. Floor and ceiling and pillars make the garden like a framed paint. This garden is always splendid, but with such snow this garden became awesome.

But this garden is always open the windows, so basically so cold. I wanted to sit there long but my body was getting cold minute by minute. But there is a good information. The ticket includes Maccha service. I could drink Maccha tea and could take a Japanese sweets. It made me hot. I thought this Maccha tea was the best tea in my life.

(Gorgeous framed garden with snow)

(Hot Maccha here was the best in cold air)

After Housenin temple, I visited to Sanzenin temple because it was so close to Housenin temple.

(Gate of Sanzenin temple. So dignified!)

This Sanzenin temple is the largest temple in Ohara area. More than 1200 years history. The gate was so huge. Center of the front steps, already monks had made a space for the visitors. Most of the garden was covered with snow, the surface of the pond was frozen. Pretty good scene it was!

(The surface of the pond was frozen.)

It has beautiful moss garden. But today I couldn’t see any moss here. I was afraid that moss could live in such a cold situation. I didn’t know but the nature might be so strong! I hoped we could see good moss few days later.

(Moss garden was covered with snow. Stillness!)