Silver Pavilion (Ginkaku-ji temple)


Ginkaku-ji temple is one of most famous temples in Kyoto. This temple is very close to philosophir’s path, so you can go these two places in one time. Philosophir’s path is very famous for good Sakura flowers so you should go there spring, first week of April. But Silver Pavilion is good in every season every day.
If you go inside the gate, you can see very unique sand objects called ‘Kogetsu-dai’ and ‘Ginsyadan’. And you should watch the pavilion. But, you should think, where is the silver something? Why Japanese people call it as Silver pavilion?


Kyoto city, Sakyo-ku, Ginkakuji-cho, 2
Tel : 075-771-5725
City bus “Ginkaku-ji michi” bus stop, walk 10 minutes
Parking: city parking 2hour 1000JPY
Open 8:30 – Close 17:00
The time required about 40 minutes
adult fee 500JPY / child 300JPY
No need reservation


銀閣寺 | 臨済宗相国寺派
