Shugakuin Imperial villa


It’s a nice autumn day. I went to Shugakuin Imperial villa. Shugakuin-Rikyu villa is the one of Great villa of old Tenno emperor Gomizunoo.

This villa is little bit high from Kyoto central area, little bit cool, so some maple trees started turning their leaves red. Nice view! Of course many more trees should be turning red few weeks later, but I think only few red leaves view is better. Don’t you think so?

This villa is magnificent. There are much points worthy of our attention in its constructions.

This shelf is called ‘Kasumi-Dana’. So famous, one of top 3 great shelves in Kyoto.

Upside of this villa there is big pond called ‘Yokuryu-chi’. We can see this pond and Kyoto city from the cottage ‘Rin-un-tei’.

You have to reserve to visit here. But if you don’t have reservation, don’t worry. You can get the ticket for the day if you join the line before 11:00 am in front of this villa. I joined the line in this morning, I got my ticket for today. Ticket is free.


Kyoto city, Sakyo-ku, Shugakuin Yabusoe
Tel : 075-211-1215
city bus “Shugakuin Imperial villa” bus stop, walk 15 minutes
parking : No parking
The time required about 80 minutes
Close day : Monday, 12/28 ~ 1/4
adult fee Free / child couldn’t enter under 17 years old
Need reservation (See website)


Imperial Household Agency Visit Guide > Sites > Shugakuin Imperial Villa
