Shimogamo Jinja Shrine


Shimogamo Jinja Shrine is a one of the oldest shrine in Kyoto. There is an old forest area called ‘Tadasuno mori’. You will feel healing whenever you visit there.
I have to say I love this shrine for personal reason. What’s that? OK, I’ll tell. I held my wedding ceremony here! If you are lucky, you can watch the wedding family here. It might be happy time for you too.
There are many unique events here. Kemari(January), Setsubun (February), Nagashi-bina (March), Yabusame (May), Aoi matsuri (May), Mitarashi matsuri (August), and so on. You can buy cute souvenir here. I’ll recommend lucky charms should be nice.


Kyoto city, Sakyo-ku, Shimogamo Izumigawa-cho, 59
Tel : 075-781-0010
City bus “Shimogamojinja-mae” bus stop, walk 1 minutes
Parking: free
Open 6:30 – Close 17:00
The time required about 30 minutes
Admission free
No need reservation


下鴨神社トップ | 下鴨神社
所在地: 〒606-0807 京都府京都市左京区下鴨泉川町59 |下鴨神社祭神 東殿 - 玉依姫命(たまよりひめのみこと)。賀茂別雷命(上賀茂神社の祭神)の母。 西殿 - 賀茂建角身命(かもたけつぬみのみこと)。玉依姫命の父(賀茂別雷命の祖父)
