Rain might purify this world

Kyoto dairy

When you visit to a shrine in Japan, you would find a stone water basin at the entrance. That is a ‘Chozu-bachi’. At the Chozu-bachi we should wash our hand. It means we could purify ourself with the water. Of course such washing hands at the shrine was to guard from something dirty like virus even there was no knowledge about virus more than 1000 years ago.

We are doing keep out the virus with washing hand many times in a day now. Then we use a soap for washing but of course water is quite important.

This morning I could see Mt Hiei with many misty cloud from my home. It was so beautiful. I felt the rain purifying this world. Yeah it’s just a dream, we have to do much patiences for the coronavirus situation. But I wanted to dream about the rain could purify this world.