Nagoshi-no-harai (Pray for the health in summer)


Nagoshi-no-harai is a ritual at many shrines of Japanese Shintoism. This ritual is for the health of people. In ancient times there were many pandemics of bad diseases, then people prayed their own health, they didn’t want to get any diseases.

Japanese Shintoism have many rituals for our health and happiness, this Nagoshi-no-harai is one of them. Late June, many shrines put this big circle made with flesh weeds ‘Kaya’. Kaya has some sterilizing properties, so ancient people might make such a big Kaya circle at the gate of shrine, and did such a ritual.

Now we have a big problem of pandemic COVID-19, I think this ritual is very nice for us. Every year I visit to some shrines for this Nagoshi-no-harai ritural, but this year I seriously joined this ritual.

How to join this Nagoshi-no-harai? It’s so simple and easy. Shrine put a big circle on its ground or the gate. prayer (I or you) go through the circle, then turn left and back to the front of the circle. go through the circle again and turn right this time and back to the start, go through the circle and turn left and finally go through the circle.

That’s it! I could avoid coronavirus! Really? I don’t know… But I like such old rituals, and I like to eat the special Japanese sweets for this ritual ‘Minaduki'(I love this sweets more than the ritual itself…).

Please watch this short movie I went through the Chinowa. You could feel like doing this yourself! Enjoy!