Misty Mountain in a morning

Kyoto dairy
Misty Mt Hiei

This morning Kyoto was little bit warmer than usual. In such temperature sometime mountain should be covered with mist. I can see Mt Hiei, holly mountain, from my house. Almost everyday I can see all of the mountain but in this morning I couldn’t see all of it because it was covered with mist. I couldn’t see all but it was enough. It was so beautiful like a drawing in India ink. Black and white. very beautiful. I took a picture with my mobile phone but it didn’t work. I don’t know why. I think it was dark in the morning, and the mist made the shapes unclear. So my camera couldn’t take a good picture of it. I was so happy I could watch the beautiful view of the mountain with my own eyes.

Kyoto have many things to see. All such must-see things change their faces in each seasons. Sometime they change their faces in everyday, every hours. It’s the mysterious point of Kyoto. It is the reason I never loose interest in Kyoto. I can find a new in everyday, I’m a lucky man.