Guide Report 2022/11

Guide report

2022 November.
I did 25 guide tours in November 2022. You might think 25 times guide is hard work, but one time guide is 2 hours or 3 hours each. Yeah I can do more. Please come here and book me!

Top pic is Kiyomizu dera temple. You could see awesome view with red maple leaves surrounding the main hall. Always Kiyomizu dera temple is gorgeous but in autumn this place becomes so special. Of course this season too many travelers gathered here for watching this scene, the way to the temple is too much people. But, there is a value to come here in autumn.

This month I did such tours like them.

My tours Nov 2022
9 times “Food tasting tour at Nishiki market”
7 times “Bike tour”
5 times “Kickstart tour”
4 times “Higashiyama tour”

“Food tasting tour at Nishiki market”

At Nishiki food market we can taste many kinds of Japanese food. I always guide my guests to some “NEW” taste for them. It means that they can feel Japanese food culture.

This food market is 400m long, about 120 shops along the street. The tour is about 2 hours. In this tour you can eat many unique foods, most of my guests always become a full stomach.

At a spice shop, my guest tried an ice cream topped with Japanese pepper. Japanese pepper makes your tongue numb. Quite unique experience!

You can taste Japanese high quality Sake at the Sake maker shop.

At an egg shop you can see the performance that a cook makes Japanese egg roll with 5 frying-pan at once.

If it’s a good season you can eat ‘Hamo’ at a fish shop. Hamo is a so important fish for Kyoto people. I’ll tell why it’s so important for us when you book me.

Do you know ‘Dango’? They ate ‘Mitarashi-dango’. Kyoto is the birthplace of mitarashi-dango. So Yummy!

“Bike tour”

My Bike tour is so fun! about 2.5 hours tour. We will meet at a bike rental shop, rental the bike best fit for your body.

We will basically visit to Kyoto Imperial palace park, Kamogawa river, Heian jingu shrine, Gion and some other places. Kyoto is a kind of flat city, you can ride a bike easy. My course has variety of scenes, you could feel nature, history, and modern city part. We will see many water scenery. Sometime river, sometime canal.

We wnet through a local market on the Bike Tour. This is so colorful fruits shop.

At Kamogawa Delta we took a rest. We sat on the river bank and ate a local food here.

Running down along Kamogawa river, sometime stop for taking pictures.

This time we visited Gion Shirakawa because they wanted to go there. There is a basic bike tour route, but of course I can arrange the route with your wishes if it’s not far from the original route.

“Kickstart tour”

Kickstart tour is just 1.5 hours short tour. We walk through the best beautiful streets in Higashiyama area. There are many historical and colorful places on this tour. If you have not many hours, this Kickstart tour is the best for you.

At a tofu restaurant we found ‘Tofu manju’. Manju is a Japanese-style bun. There were tofu inside this Tofu-manju.

“Higashiyama tour”

This Higashiyama tour is about 3 hours tour. In this Hirashiyama tour, we will visit 2 different type temples through the beautiful streets.

First temple is Kennin-ji temple, Zen temple. Second temple is Kiyomizu-dera temple. Quite different tamples.

At Kennin-ji temple you can sit in front of the garden, feel calm. You should think about the meaning of the garden, then you could find the meaning of life.

TOn the way to Kiyomizu-dera temple, there are many local foods. You can try something!

Kiyomizu-dera is awesome nature view point.

This time I took my guest to the best tea shop with their request. This shop is not on the original route but if you want to visit some place, I can change the tour plan flexibly.

I got many bookings on November. I thought there were too many foreign people who had wanted to visit to Japan for these 3 years. They decided to visit to Japan just after they had known about the news that Japan open the border. I hope such too many foreign travelers come to Japan.