Giou-ji temple in Winter


Giou-ji temple is the one of the best place in Arashiyama Kyoto. In summer and early autumn there are many green maple leaves and moss, so beautiful. In late autumn there are awesome red maple leaves and moss, of course too beautiful, many visitors gather there(not so many like Kinkakuji Golden Pavilion).

Few days ago I visited Giou-ji temple. It was the first time visiting there in winter. I was surprised at the scene of the garden. There were no leaves(naturally!). So the moss garden was well-lighted. I just was aware that this garden is pure light green! Usually the garden is always covered with leaves, so little bit dark. Such darkness makes the image tighten little bit, makes me to feel calm. But that lighter moss garden made me uneasy, it was so ridiculous. I thought it was normal in winter, but felt uneasy.

I think I have to visit everywhere in different 4 seasons, Just the best season visiting is not good. For example in spring we can watch beautiful cherry blossomes, many visitors will go to the best place for the watching cherry blossomes. But I think the best way to understand the cherry blossomes is check the cherry trees in every seasons. I have to know the cherry no flowers, just buds, with many leaves. Then I can understand how beautiful the cherry blossomes are.