Gion Matsuri festival


Gion Matsuri festival is one of 3 biggest festival of Kyoto.
It has a big history about over 1150 years (from 863).
It start on 1st of July, and finish on 31st of July. The biggest event of Gion Matsuri festival is Yamahoko Junkou parade. It held on 17th July (Saki-matsuri), and on 24th July (Ato-matsuri). Many big hokos go through the central area of Kyoto city.
If you will be here in July, it’s good to you to see many hokos and yamas.


Area : center of Kyoto city
Date : 1st July ~ 31st July

7/1 : Kippu iri (meeting with staffs)
7/2 : Kuji tori shiki (drawing lots for order of parades)
7/10 : Mikoshi arai (washing of portable shrines at Kanogawa river)
7/10~11 : Hoko tate (build Yama and Hoko)
7/14~16 : Yoiyama (festival on the eve of the main festival)
7/17 9:00 am : Sakimatsuri Yamahoko Junkou (1st Yama Hoko parade in the city)
7/17 : Shinkou sai (moving of portable shrines from Yasaka jinja shrine)
7/18~21 : Hoko tate (build Yama and Hoko)
7/21~23 : Yoiyama (festival on the eve of the main festival)
7/24 9:30 am : Atomatsuri Yamahoko Junkou (2nd Yama Hoko parade in the city)
7/24 : Hanakasa Junkou (parade of )
7/24 : Kankou sai (moving of portable shrines back to Yasaka jinja shrine)
7/28 : Mikoshi arai (washing of portable shrines at Kanogawa river)
7/31 : Nagoshi matsuri (worship at Eki jinja shrine)

No need reservation

website (Japanese page)
