Giant Squid

Kyoto dairy

When I watched a TV news, it said that Giant Squid was displayed at Kyoto aquarium. The Giant Squid was caught in the morning 21st Jan, was brought to Kyoto aquarium and was displeyed there. It’s rare exhibition, I wanted to watch it. I asked my son “do you want to watch a Giant Squid?” because he is a big lover of animals. He answered immediately “Yes!”. So we visited the aquarium 22nd Jan just after his elementary school finished.

It was at the entrance of Kyoto aquarium. Free space. Wow! Thanks Kyoto aquarium! There are many people, many children. Oh so many kids are interested in such a unique squid. This giant squid is 4.8m long and 140kg weight. Giant squid would grow 18m maximum my son told me. But this one is 4.8m. I don’t know it’s a only child squid. So I asked my son, he answered me “I don’t know”. Yeah, he is just 7 years old boy, his knowledge is from some illustrated reference books. Knowledge of 18m is enough.

Just after 2 days display, Kyoto aquarium will dissect it, will study how good body it is, what foods in its stomach, like that. Why just 2 days display? because it might rot. The staff of aquarium told that it was covered with a grass plate so there was no smell but if grass taken off we couldn’t stand around there.

Anyway it was so valuable experience for us especially for my 7 years boy. Thanks Kyoto aquarium again!

Kyoto Aquarium