

Gion Matsuri festival 2023 begin!

After long covid years, Gion Matsuri festival came back as full size festival! On 10th July they started to build many b...

Gion matsuri festival 2021

Wow! almost 1 year absent from last post here. We were just under the pandemic of covid-19 all of this 1 year. Still we ...

Nagoshi-no-harai (Pray for the health in summer)

Nagoshi-no-harai is a ritual at many shrines of Japanese Shintoism. This ritual is for the health of people. In ancient ...

Aoi matsuri festival 2020

15th May, in every year this day is the Aoi matsuri festival, the parade! But this year 2020, you know the covid 19...

Setsubun Festival

Setsubun is a final day of the old luna calendar. Nowadays it is 3rd February. On the day of Setsubun we Japanese belie...

Mochi-tsuki (making rice cake)

Mochi-tsuki is a making rice cakes. In Japan many people love eating mochi. Especially in winter because mochi makes ou...

Gozan no Okuribi

16th August is a holy day for Kyoto. At 20:00 fire character figured should be burned on some mountains. Most famous fi...

Gion- matsuri festival

17th July 2019, Gion-matsuri festival Yamahoko-junkou parade was held in Kyoto. Gion-matsuri festival is a biggest fest...

Azuki-gayu (rice and small red beans gruel)

15th January is the ko-shogatsu. Ko-shogatsu means little New Year's day, but I don't know what it really means. Anyway ...

Go-sitinichi-mishiho at Toji temple

I visited to Toji temple today. There held a big ceremony "Go-sitinichi-mishiho". This means "post 7days pray". 1st to 7...