Aoi matsuri festival 2020


15th May, in every year this day is the Aoi matsuri festival, the parade!

But this year 2020, you know the covid 19 made our society unnatural. Almost all events had been suspended. Aoi matsuri parade had been suspended too.

On the day 15th, I went to a hospital for the monthly check of my body and got my medicines. On the way home I visited to Shimogamo Jinja shrine, then I watched a ceremony of Aoi matsuri. No parade, no Princess, but it was the ceremony. Aoi matsuri festival is famous for its gorgeous parade but main part is the pray for the peace. A person from emperor visits Shimogamo Jinja shrine and Kamigamo Jinja shrine, donates holy something and pray for the peace. Gorgeous parade had been suspended but this main pray had not been suspended.

Usually nobody couldn’t watch this ceremony from in front of the main torii gate. So I was lucky I could do it.

Anyway I prayed for the peace too, to finish this coronavirus situation, and we can watch the parade of Aoi matsuri in 2021 here.