A deer in Takanogawa river

Kyoto dairy

When I went back home along Takanogawa river, I found a deer in the river.

Takanogawa river is upper side of Kamogawa river, and if you go up along Takanogawa river, you will go up to Hieizan Mountain. So I thought the deer came from Hieizan Mountain. In these years sometime I watched deers at that point just after summer. There might be many new born baby deers in the mountain at June, and the end of summer they become to eat grass. So some of deers want to find grass, come down to lower area of the river.

If you are rucky, you can watch some deers at Takanogawa river around Shugakuin and Ichijoji. But don’t give any food to them because they are wild animals. We shouldn’t break the ecological system.